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Our Commitment


My ongoing commitment as your physician is to ensure you enjoy a healthier and more active life. My goal is to continue improving your health and well-being 365 days a year, not just when you have a problem.


Many of us attribute fatigue and increases in weight, blood pressure and cholesterol to busy schedules or getting older, but they can be telltale signs of more serious issues like diabetes and heart disease. Typically, each of these symptoms is treated with medications and/or lifestyle and diet modifications. However, when you have a doctor who knows you and your habits well and who has complete knowledge of your medical history, these symptoms may paint a very different picture.


Many of my patients are on medications for diabetes, hypertension and other conditions which are directly related to their weight. It is for this reason that we have added a new non-surgical medical weight loss program to our practice. By becoming a Center for Medical Weight Loss, we are committed to fighting the obesity epidemic. Our weight loss programs are individualized, with one-on-one care.


Whether the goal is to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds, The Center for Medical Weight Loss offers strategies unavailable to non-physician weight loss programs. Our team understands the complex factors related to weight gain and have the expertise, technology, and compassion to help people reach their target weight. Our holistic approach combines balanced nutrition and behavioral modification through individualized counseling to maintain weight loss.

We will partner with you to help you reach your weight loss goals, but more importantly, we will help you keep the weight off. 

During the appointment, we will analyze your body composition of fat, water and muscle and create a plan to meet your goals.


Make sure you share this beneficial information with your loved ones, specifically those with chronic health conditions, because healthy living is contagious.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss my new practice with you. To set up an appointment, call 254-699-8521.

To greater health,


Dr. Bola Elemuren

Board Certified in Family Medicine

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The Doctor
Bola Elemuren, MD

Prior to opening her private practice in 1999, Dr. Elemuren completed her residency at St. Claire's Hospital in Schenectady, New York. Dr. Elemuren was certified by the American Board of Family Medicine in 1997. Since then, she has been re-certified every seven years, most recently in 2014. She has been practicing at Family Medicine Clinic since 1999, where she currently offers personalized care for all your medical needs.


Dr. Elemuren specializes in weight management, US Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) Physicals, diabetes, depression and anxiety disorders, allergies, asthma, skin disorders, children's health, family planning, IV nutritional therapy, and gynecology. 

Dr. Elemuren is a wife and mother who has lived in the Central Texas area for over twenty years. She enjoys cooking, reading, and traveling. In her spare time, she volunteers at the local free clinics in the area, offering her services to the disadvantaged and underserved in the community, both local and overseas. For all she treats, health is her primary concern. 

Family Medicine Clinic & Center for Medical Weight Loss

813 South Amy Lane

Suite 101

Harker Heights, TX, 76548

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 911

© 2020 by FMCHH

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